Leaf pick-up
Mayor Jeff Gahan is pleased to once again aid the citizens of New Albany with leaf removal. As part, the Stormwater Department will be performing leaf removal with two commercial Vacuum trailers. The citizens are encouraged to bag their leaves and set them out with their scheduled trash day collection. The sanitation company will collect up to 10 bags per week. The vacuum trailers will be used in efforts to aid with leaf removal in the gutter lines and roadways. Leaves are always a concern when it comes to the Storm Department. As many citizens know leaves can cause a major problem for our storm structures thus creating localized flooding issues throughout the city.
The vacuum trailers will be operating this year from October 19th through December 22nd. The trailers will be working in a different area of the city each day. The trailers will follow the trash collection schedule. Please refer to the area map below to verify your pickup date and location.
- Monday- Area #1(Blue)
- Tuesday- Area #2 (Green)
- Wednesday- Area #3 (Purple)
- Thursday #4-A (Black)
- Friday #4-B (Red)